Greetings my fruity ones...

Well hello one and all! Yes this is my very first entry on my new blog ... I'm soooo excited (and I just can't hide a certain 80s girl group once sung).
Okay, first things first, allow me to introduce myself. My name's Simon but you can call me "Old Cheeser". The reasons for the aforementioned name will no doubt become apparent as I continue with this blog, and you, my beloved reader will hopefully not be frightened away by my mad musings. By way of introduction, I thought I'd post a rather nice picture of myself and my husband Gustavo, on our recent wedding day, which you can see immediately above this text. In case you hadn't guessed, I'm the one on the right and he's the cute dark one on the left. For the record, we were married at Islington Registry Office in August and it was a wonderful day, the ceremony was followed by a rather fab reception at a Soho bar called "6 Degrees" which was a blast. It's lovely to be married and thank god civil partnerships have finally became legal in this country! About time...
So that's a tiny bit about me, what next...well I had a fairly normal day at work which doesn't make for desperately exciting reading I have to say. I work for an examination board in assessment, producing question papers and setting pass marks, things like that. Oh the excitement of it all. However I have to say I am indebted to one of my managers who gave me the idea to start writing this blog in a bid to get me to make better use of creativity. So thanks for that Gemma, good thinking!
Okay that's enough about work. I will only write about THAT subject when it makes for a good story / decent source of gossip. As a matter of fact a work mate and I once started writing a soap opera, loosely (or perhaps not so loosely) based on some of the people we know there...perhaps one day we'll finish it. It was called "Corporate Affairs" which is actually the name of one of the departments there. Great name, huh? "Good afternoon, can I have a corporate affair with you please..."
Right that's enough pontificating. To launch my blog in appropriate fashion, what better way to start than to write about one of my major obsessions, Doctor Who? Well you've got to start somewhere, haven't you? As many of you probably know, the programme enjoyed a major renaissance in 2005 when it returned to our tv screens after a long absence. The BBC and Russell T Davies did a brilliant job of revitalising and modernising the show whilst managing to maintain all of its traditional, essential elements. But if you're an Old Cheeser like me, you'll most likely remember the programme from first time round. Here then are some of my favourite things about the original Doctor Who...
At 1:46 pm ,
Samarcand said...
Well, I signed up with Blogger specifically to say hello to you over here! A shame you aren't in LJ because then we could friend each other and read each others meanderings without having to go to different addresses. Oh well, no worries.
The two of you really do make a cute couple, although not having a frock between you is a terrible mistake to make. Still annoyed I couldn't make the wedding.
I agree completely with what you say about the Doctor and Sarah Jane and I'm really looking forward to her spin-off series next year. Although I'm more excited about Torchwood, mainly because it's a lot more imminent!
Anyway, filing calls. And I need to reply to your email.
At 12:52 pm ,
Old Cheeser said...
Thanks for your reply Samarcand! My first ever comment!! Yaaay!!
Who knows perhaps at some stage I might switch to Live Journal. We shall see. Blogger seems to suit me for now, anyways.
As for the frock I did try to persuade Gustavo to wear a little sexy number for our nuptials, but I think his previous appearance as Victoria Beckham was enough. I will have to send some photographic evidence of that cos he really did look good, far better than me as Madonna anyhow. I was thinking of having a "Pink ponies reunited" outing in July/ August next year, so maybe you could come to that?
Indeed the Sarah-Jane spin off is great news although being on CBBC I hope it isn't too "kid-like". Lis Sladen is a great actress and deserves some decent material to work with. Shame K9 is only going to be in the pilot, will they blow him up again? And yes, not long til Torchwood with the fruity John Barrowman. I hope there's a few saucy shenanigans from him. Although series sci-fi / fantasy is what it's really about. Of course.
Have a good weekend.
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