Hey y'all
Just a quickie (oooer) to apologise for my lack of posts and quietness lately, which has been noted by some of you already (thanks Matty and Amanda). I can't pinpoint the exact reason why but I just HAVEN'T felt like posting of late. Okay then, put it down to a mixture of lethargy and indifference and a bit of a lack of inspiration too...I've also felt slightly bogged down with other things, some of which are too personal to go into here. The horrid cold weather and dark mornings/evenings haven't helped either. Oh dear I am sounding like a real self-indulgent drama queen aren't I? But rest assured I will be back in the not too distant future. I've already started writing a couple of long posts (unusual for me then!) which will appear at some stage.
I think with Blogging you feel rather pressured to "keep up with the Joneses" sometimes (or should that be the "Bloggs"?!) Some of you out there are I know very good at regularly updating and this has made me feel that similarly, I should be keeping up. Bring on the pangs of guilt! On the other hand, there are others who probably only post once or twice a month at the most, so I guess I can take heart from that too. Basically you've just gotta go at your own pace.
But I WILL be back!!
At some point.
OC xx
At 10:08 pm ,
The Sagittarian said...
Hoorah! Big cyber hug...as for the guilt, no I won't give you that I hope! Take time out for yourself and whtever it is you need to do, feed your soul.
At 7:30 am ,
Steve said...
Too right. Blogging should be fun and non-pressured. If you're feeling tired I think you have a perfect right to take some time out - it's just good to know you're ok. I must admit though I'm still posting I have noticed a gradual drop off in productivity on my part - due to the same things as you: bad weather, lethargy, lack of sleep and feeling a tad uninspired due to the time of year. I'm sure it will pass. Whatever, it's always good to see a new post from you - always worth waiting for!
At 9:37 am ,
Glenda Young said...
OC: I've had the most stressful 2 months of my life in a new job which I've had to leave. It broke my heart. In that time I've hardly blogged at all but now my spirits are back where they were, I'm back to blogging again and hope it won't be too long before you're blogging too. No need to feel guilty, blogging should be fun and never a chore.
At 1:21 pm ,
Minge said...
Good to know.
Don't feel pressured! Be yourself. Do what you want to do. Go where you want to go. Say what you want to say...!
At 2:12 pm ,
matty said...
Oh, I hope I didn't make you feel guilty.
...I only wanted to fill you with a sense of dread and sadness at having not written a post. ...that was all. LOL!
Sometimes life is just too busy to worry about blogging! Sending you a big hug!
You know, I've always noticed that July/August and Dec/Jan are poor blogging months. ...I think those are very busy months for most of us.
Stay warm! ...And be ready for Kylie!
At 6:55 pm ,
Deemer said...
I agree with what folks have written here. Don't feel pressured and just let it come naturally whenever you feel like it. Everyone gets busy and priorities always shift.
At 12:28 am ,
matty said...
Oh, feel a little bit of pressure! lol!
At 4:47 pm ,
Steve said...
Hello OC - you've just been tagged for Christmas. See my blog for details! But strictly NO PRESSURE ok?!
At 10:46 pm ,
The Sagittarian said...
Just thought I'd let you know that one of our TV channels is showing the complete first series of Dr Who (the one with Rose and Chris Eccleston) all day Christmas Day here! My 10 year old is already planning to reserve a spot on the couch for the entire day!!
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